About Us

The Imagination Company is a full-service creative agency that specializes in product-based advertising and marketing solutions, custom-imprinted promotional products, branded apparel, corporate gifts, logo merchandise, recognition programs and awards, and specialty premiums.

We are a Certified LGBT Business Enterprise and Member of Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) and SAGE.

We are also designated as a Product Safety Aware Program (PSAP) company for knowledge of and adherence to product safety laws and regulations and corporate social responsibility.

With our imagination, innovation, and creativity, we find the perfect customized gifts or premiums to fulfill your needs. From inexpensive promotional giveaways to the latest technology and finest crystal and leather executive gifts, The Imagination Company is your marketing and gift-giving solution. Our unique products are designed to enhance your marketing strategies.

The Imagination Company has the privilege of working with a diverse group of clients, including businesses and organizations in the areas of academia, entertainment/media, finance/service, government, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, philanthropy, and technology.

Quality, Innovation, Value, Service, and Integrity are the foundation of our company. We are committed to achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction. You can count on us to deliver on time... every time!

We believe that with a little Imagination, anything is possible.


Company History

Nick Joseph created The Imagination Company in the summer of 1996 during a memorable trip to Santa Barbara.

Prior to The Imagination Company, Nick was a management consultant at Ernst & Young LLP. He provided consulting services to companies and organizations while dreaming of creating his own business one day.

Nick volunteered at Project Angel Food and the LA Gay & Lesbian Center, and served on the Finance Committee of LA Shanti, an AIDS service organization. He was fulfilled by volunteer work and wanted to be a more integral part of the LGBTQ community. On a warm summer day in Santa Barbara while attending a relatively unknown-at-the-time event called the California AIDS Ride, he discovered a new level of community. The cause was dear to his heart, as he had lost so many friends to AIDS at the height of the pandemic during his college years at UCLA and thereafter.

While exploring the temporary community that was assembled and disassembled each day as the ride traveled from San Francisco to Los Angeles, he wandered upon the AIDS Ride General Store where bike bottles, shirts, cycling jerseys, and bandannas were sold. A light bulb came on, and he envisioned the possibility of working with community service organizations, while at the same time providing products and services necessary to their operations and success.

The Imagination Company was established in partnership with the LA Gay & Lesbian Center and LA Shanti whereby The Imagination Company would donate a portion of proceeds to the organizations in exchange for promotions within the organizations. The Imagination Company became a member of the International Gay & Lesbian Travel Agency (IGLTA) and provided promotional products to IGLTA members throughout the United States. The rest is history.

This is who we are.

This is who you can count on.

This is The Imagination Company.
